
It is great to finally be settled into the Whitsunday region. Our family is settling well and we are appreciating everyone’s kindness and generosity. We are looking forward to a long ‘life together’ as a local Whitsunday expression of God’s church.

I have been reflecting on this region as I go about my day to day activities. I am meeting people, living life and finding my place. I can see that there are so many opportunities all around us. Opportunities for me to grow personally and opportunity to give to others. This is what it means for God to be at work in us and through us for the benefit of the whole community!

We are the expression of Jesus in this world, this is true of every Christian. Last Sunday I mentioned that it is my desire that we would be effective. This will be a core theme for the next six months. We will feature some good practical stuff on how we can be effective. We can be effective in our goal to make Jesus known in a disinterested world. Effectively making him known to our neighbours, friends, work colleagues and our acquaintances. We are possibly the only person in their world who can make Jesus known to them! Sometimes we do this poorly. Sometimes we do it well… but one thing I know. We must not stop living what we believe.

So, as we start this new journey together, it is my desire that we would be the church. That we would demonstrate Jesus to our community in every part of our life. That we would be effective, both as the gathered church and the scattered church, in our everyday lives. That we would “do” church well 24/7.

Let’s be affected by Jesus, and effective in the community.

Blessings and warm regards, Craig

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