Kingdom of God 1

If you were to choose one central theme to define your faith, what would it be? What is at the centre of your belief? What is at the heart of your convictions? When we ponder these questions we often miss the point. “Is this a trick question?” you may ask. There must be more to it, we wonder. In reality, however, the answer is very simple… it’s all about the Good News of the Kingdom of God. In a nutshell, it’s all about Jesus!

During the last half of 2015, we are going to do a series on the Kingdom of God. There will be a couple of breaks in the series just to mix it up a bit. However, our main focus is going to be the Kingdom of God. During this series we will grow in our understanding of the Kingdom of God and be reminded of the central place Jesus has in the story. In particular, it is my desire that we would engage with how the Kingdom of God impacts upon our world, our own lives and the future. This series will hit at the heart beat of our faith…

I trust we will grasp that we are the expression of the Kingdom of God in the greater Whitsunday region. We experience and demonstrate the Kingdom of God in our homes, our work place and our social lives. If we are honest, however, we also sometimes find it hard to see the Kingdom of God in our life. We muck things up, we lose our focus and at times we just don’t care! I hope that in this series we will be able to bring together the hopes, aspirations and tensions of the Kingdom of God in our own lives.

Looking forward to being inspired together by Jesus who is the centre of the Kingdom of God… the centre of our faith!

May Jesus help you have a good week.

Blessings and warm regards, Craig

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